The following patents have been developed by PARISE RESEARCH TECHNOLOGIES over the
past several years. If a copy is not available here, please see the
website to get complete copies of all patents.
Patent No.
Patent Title
- 7,068,991
Remote power recharge for electronic equipment
- 6,986,247
Thermoelectric catalytic power generator with preheat
- 6,792,259
Remote power communication system and method thereof
- 6,653,002
Quick charge battery with thermal management
- 6,365,080
Method of making a multi-portion mixing element
- 6,162,985
Nighttime Solar Cell
- 6,114,834
Remote charging system for a vehicle
- 6,057,050
Quick charge battery with thermal management
- 5,982,139
Remote charging system for a vehicle
- 5,968,456
Thermoelectric catalytic power generator with preheat
- 5,936,193
Nighttime Solar Cell
- 5,891,487
Apparatus for making a multi-portion mixing element
- 5,871,859
Quick charge battery with thermal management
Note below the other information about patents available on this web page. |
This is a scan of the cover of Patent No.:6,792,259. |
About Patents - Historical Perspective |
The issuing of patents and trademarks to protect intellectual property is a right guaranteed in the Constitution
of the United States. The Founding Fathers felt, and rightfully so, that for a great nation to prosper, the
inventiveness and creativity of its most talented and enterprising citizens had to be protected. In fact, as stated
in Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 8, "The Congress shall have power: To promote the progress of science and useful
arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings
and discoveries;". This is an explicit right, not one that has been "insinuated" by over-
zealous judges of the past. Therefore take advantage of one of our last Constitutional Rights that has not been
too adulterated over the years.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office provides
a complete listing of all patents online. Copies may be obtained at their website Full text of the patents are available online from 1976 to the present. Prior to that, only patent
numbers and classifications are available online. Then one must go to one of the many patent depository libraries
around the country to review the Patent Gazette from the patent number and title to make a complete search for new inventions.
The above patent cover scan shows how patents are issued today "officially" by the US government.
These have changed tremendously over the years. Originally the patent was on a parchment scroll with ribbons and a
metal seal in the shape of a disk about the diameter of a softball, one inch thick. This elaborate parchment,
undoubtedly a hold-over from the heyday of British Royalty when the US was first founded, evolved to the booklet
and pressed seal shown above.
I will be more than happy to answer any questions concerning the patenting process. Feel free to
contact me.
101 Wendover Road Suffield, Connecticut 06078 U.S.A.
Tel: (860) 668-4599 Fax: (860) 668-TECH
Site Design:
© Ronald J. Parise 2006